Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When You are Sick - SLEEP!

Posted by Your Community Mama at 9:00 AM

Hello Friends,

How are You?  It seems like forever since I've posted.  Who knew that preparing for my son's 5th birthday would be so time consuming, not to mention the day of the party.  This Community Mama was all over our wonderful Community making sure everything was just right for this milestone.  Yes, I did too much, but as you'll learn this is typical.  It was so worth it though.  I had one very happy "Angry Bird" at my house, not to mention all of his "Angry Bird" friends. 
Once the festivities were over my body and mind finally put me in my place, which was sick in bed.  I knew that I was due for this and so I made good use of my time by sleeping!!  I slept a lot.  To add to the fun of being sick my almost two year old decided to join me in my misery.  Luckily this did work to my advantage as we took the most glorious naps together.  Luckily the in-laws came to the rescue and took my very energized "Angry Bird" for the weekend.  Ahhh!!!  I did miss him, but the rest was exactly what I needed. 

So, take it from me - when you are sick, SLEEP as much as humanly possible and relax.  I promise the world will not crumble if you are not "plugged in" to your phone, computer, i-pad.  Believe me, I speak from thinking this several times when I was sick and didn't take care of myself.

Looking forward to getting back on track and sharing some pretty fun events that are coming up this weekend, so stay tuned - literally, stay tuned.  There will be two postings today.  See what happens when I get sick - I also get re-energized.
Have a fantastic Day Friends and please Take Care of Yourself!

Your Community Mama



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